There are various types of storage items that are indispensable for organizing camping equipment. There are hard types such as boxes and soft types such as bags, and there are various sizes, large and small.
For storage items, when you go camping, you can pack all your camping equipment together, carry it from your car to the site when you arrive at the campsite, use it to design and create the atmosphere of the site, and use it to store your camping equipment after camping. I think it’s one of the must-have camping items.
Therefore, this time, we would like to introduce the Drifta Stockton aluminum storage box as a recommended storage box.
Drifta Stockton Alu Storage Box
Aluminum Storage Box (Drifta Stockton Alu Storage Box) is available in 3 sizes.
Color | capacity | Size |
Black | 30L | 51.5 x 32 x H23cm |
Green | 50L | 57.5 x 37.5 x H27cm |
Sandy Taupe | 95L | 77 x 43 x H33cm |
It is a sturdy hard type storage box made of aluminum. It looks cool and has a rugged feel to it. Although it is a storage box, it is durable enough to sit on as a chair.
There are 3 colors, but all of them are colors that match nature and stand out, so it looks like it will be a good display even if you put it on the campsite. However, the color depends on the size. 30L is black, 50L is green, and 95L is sandy taupe.
There is a convenient handle on the side for carrying. The handle will also come in handy when strapping it to your car’s cargo space or roof carrier.
The buckle that secures the lid has a hole on the side and a padlock can be attached. It is safe because it can be locked even if it is installed outside the vehicle such as the roof of the car.
Also, storage boxes of the same size can be stacked. The ridges on each corner of the top of the box fit snugly together when stacked to keep them from slipping.
The edges of the box are covered with waterproof rubber, making it highly waterproof and dustproof. Good for storing food, tableware, and other items that you don’t want water or dust to enter.
The bottom of the box is lined with urethane foam. It also helps protect the items you put inside and absorb shocks.
Introduced Drifta Stockton aluminum storage box.

This box is recommended as a hard type storage item. There are 3 sizes, so you can choose according to your needs.
I use this aluminum storage box and a Drifta canvas bag as a soft type to organize my camping gear.

Each has advantages and disadvantages. Canvas bags have advantages that hard-type storage items cannot do, such as being able to be stored in a small space or being folded up when the contents are used up during camping.
Please use hard type and soft type properly and organize your camping equipment so that you can spend a comfortable camp!
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